Before Covid19 struck the world, none of us knew how to navigate public transport during a pandemic. Suddenly, getting to your destination quickly feels less important than getting around safely.
During the course of the pandemic, we continued to make thousands of trips getting essential workers to and from work. In our shuttle vans, we encourage and apply essential precautions such as wearing masks, onboard social distancing and sanitising hands and surfaces. We also encourage our riders and company clients to adopt the following measures :
- Do not travel if you, or someone living with you, are at increased risk of serious complications should you contract COVID-19. Even with all the precautions we take, we cannot completely eliminate your chance of contracting COVID19
- We make hand sanitisers available on all our shuttles, and we advise our riders to wash their hands often during their workday with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times, not only the mouth.
- Stay at least two arm lengths away from each other while queuing to board our shuttles
- Wash your hands once you arrive home
- Stay home when sick
- Always pack sanitizing wipes and hand sanitiser
We don’t know how long these measures will stay in place. Maybe people will choose to wear masks without any fear or stigma, like in the East after the 2003 Sars outbreak. For now, we can all work together to keep each other safe.