Travelling to South Africa is arguably one of the most popular items on any explorer’s bucket list. The untouched beauty, stunning animals, and unique flora make it the ideal destination for those who enjoy the adventurous side of life. Cape Town is one of the most popular destinations, and for good reason, as it has activities ideal for those who prefer the finer things in life as well as for those who enjoy adrenaline-fuelled fun. 

If you are planning a Cape Town tour there are some pointers to remember. Consider the time of year you would like to go, as the summer weather can become extremely hot, and the cooler months might mean that you are not able to view any animals. Not sure where to start? This article discusses some top tips for planning the perfect Cape Town tour. 


When Should You Go?


This is arguably one of the most important questions to ask when you are planning a Cape Town tour. If you would like to spend a large amount of your tour time outside, enjoying the natural scenery of the province, then you should choose to go in the warmer months of November through to February. 

However, these months are some of the busiest months of the year for Cape Town, so be sure to choose your activities wisely. Choosing the cooler months of June through to September will mean that you will need to pack warmer clothes with you. You may also find that some of the tourist attractions are less crowded, making this an ideal time to go for those who want to explore some of the more popular destinations. 


Scope Out The City Centre


Exploring the city centre of Cape Town can be exciting, but it will mean that you need the services of a Cape Town taxi company. For first-time visitors to Cape Town, staying in the city centre provides you access to destinations such as Sea Point, Greenpoint, Woodstock, and Observatory. 

You will also be better able to visit landmarks such as the V&A Waterfront and the surrounding area. This will allow you to experience the colourful Cape Town culture in full, making for an exciting and unique journey. While the outlying suburbs such as those in the Winelands are also fun to visit, they can be expensive to visit and may not offer as many activities as those you can find in the city centre. 


Pack For Every Type Of Weather


The weather in Cape Town is known for changing from hot, to cold, to hot again, during the course of one day. You will need to pack the right clothing for this, so be sure to bring along a light jacket with you when you are out and about. If you are planning on exploring Table Mountain, be sure to bring along a warm jacket, as the winds can be extremely cold. 

For those who are going on a safari or are going to be hiking for most of their Cape Town tour, packing sturdy shoes, long pants, and plenty of sunscreen is important. Long pants will ensure that you do not fall victim to any ticks or insect bites, as the warmer weather can draw these insects out. Nighttime can be cooler than expected, so bring along warm clothes for evening outings. 


Book In Advance


Cape Town is a highly popular city with bost tourists and locals alike, which means that you should book your activities in advance. If you are using a Cape Town taxi service, booking trips a few days in advance will help to ensure that the right vehicle and the best driver are available for whatever your needs may be. 

Booking in advance will also ensure that you are not left in this exciting city with little to nothing to do. Look at the time of year that best suits your travel plans, search for exciting activities in the city centre, and remember to pack clothes for both hot and cold weather. If you would like a safe and secure taxi service for exploring Cape Town, be sure to contact Fair Cape Shuttles today to find out more.